16 Nisan 2019 Salı

HP Reveal ( Augmented Reality)

Hi there ! A week ago, in our  Education Technologies and Material Design class, we made an activity using the HP reveal app. This app is very useful in a sense that it shows 3D animations on a real life object by using augmented reality. We scanned pictures of animals and put 3D  animations on them. The video above is an example of what we exactly did in the class.
Applications using augmented reality like HP reveal can be used in ELT especially to get the attention of young learners. For example; while they are learning the words for animals they can also get their phones out and by scanning the animal pictures they can see the 3D images of those animals. This helps teachers get the attention of the learners and it is important in terms of its function to integrate language learning and technology.
I strongly advise you to have a try 😊.

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